Monday, December 28, 2009

Alright, back on schedule. It's early Monday morning and I just did my only real obligation of the week!! I guess with all the complaining I do about my online courses, they are good for something. I just finished Jump & Pump, my one-hour fitness class, which I do twice a week. Today we did about 25 minutes of cardio, 25 minutes of lifting and the other ten minutes were for warm-up, cool-down and moving from station to station. We did a circuit of the stairs, the bikes, jump ropes, ladders, and out right running. Each station lasted about 2-3 minutes and then we switched, and repeated twice. After the cardio we did a "body pump" lift, which I sort-of stole from a class I took a few weeks ago.

I have a few more pictures uploaded from the weeks past.

These are two breakfasts I eat. The first, (one of my favorites!!) is two whole wheat Eggo waffles topped with 1/4 cup of 1% cottage cheese, about 8 strawberries and syrup. It's a really filling, high fiber and whole grain breakfast choice--with protein from the cottage cheese! It's also visually stimulating, which adds to the appeal. The second is just some scrambled eggs with a couple tablespoons of reduced fat cheese and ready to serve bacon from Wegman's. I also had two clementines. Nothing special.

As you can tell from the above pictures, I was on a pineapple kick. I made my own pizza one night, Hawaiian, of course, and it was so good! I used Pillsbury pizza crust and the whole process took shorter than to order my own. Plus, it was really tasty. Even my parents, the pizza snobs, loved it! I used the leftover pineapple the next day with-yes, it's true, a white bread PB & J. I don't even like white bread anymore. It left me feeling 10 years old and not in a good way. We had it leftover from a casserole recipe but I think I might just throw out the rest. It's that unappealing to me.

Dinner last night was spaghetti with spicy Italian chicken sausage. We also had broccoli, bread and a salad. I used less spaghetti and more bread to mop up the sauce. I feel like pasta can be pretty lack luster, so I'd prefer crusty bread nine times out of ten. Instead of gulping down some cookies and cake, I just had about 3/4 a cup of Edy's Loaded Peanut butter Cup Ice Cream. So, I still got my sweet fix for about 210 calories. Not bad. I'm trying to get back on track but I suspect it might take me a few weeks into the new year to do that! Tonight-- it's dinner and drinks with the girls (and boy)so I doubt that'll be great for the waistline. No matter, it's worth it. Might as well milk this metabolism for all it's got, right? Well, time for my morning cup o' joe!


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