Friday, October 30, 2009

The Chop House in D.C.

It's hard to even update you on the lunch and dinner I had yesterday, so I'm not going to. They were completely insignificant compared to....drum roll please... DINNER. Oh-my-I've-gone-to-food-heaven. I met my fellow JMD after work and we got some coffee (my second of the day, oops) and had to drive to Baltimore. Okay, this was a horrifying experience but the food outshines it. Once we survived to Baltimore and back to DC, we had reservations at the Chop House with her crew from college. I'm so stupid I was thinking chop like chopsticks like Asian food. Embarrassing. We get there and the smell of perfect food bliss filled the air. The entrees were huge. We saw an appetizer that was a three tiered tray. It was incredible. We ordered drinks first. Jessie and I had a glass of white wine (I forget the type) and the boys ordered beer... a whole sampling tray actually. I forgot to get that picture! Appetizers were next and actually fantastic. We had this delicious calamari (which usually I just think is okay) with an apricot dipping sauce, crab cakes and this corn bread. I also got a side salad. The entree (split between us and still a lot!) was so good. It was a steak with Gorgonzola cheese over a sauteed mushroom sauce. Don't forget the heaping mound of mashed taters. So, so good. I had a bite of another steak... blew ours out of the water. It was so tender and flavorful. I could have eaten the whole thing. Yum. So good, and highly recommended.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I finally decided to do it: almonds in my cereal. I've done almonds in yogurt, oatmeal, plain, etc. but never on cereal because I thought the consistency would be strange. It wasn't! I'm a big mixer so in this little concoction was Fiber One Honey Clusters, Original Puffins, about a tablespoon of almonds, strawberries, and 1% milk. This bowl of "cereal" is much more dynamic than your average Raisin Bran breakfast. It has carbs, protein, healthy fat, and a ton of fiber. It kept me full at least through class and my workout. I might try this more often.

My foot was still achy from my Tuesday run, so I didn't dare go for a jog again. I did 32 minutes on the elliptical and then walked on an incline on the treadmill for 10 minutes. I felt like such an old fogie. What 22-year-old is too sore to run on a normal basis? Lame. I also spent about 5 minutes just stretching my right Achilles tendon. A little trick before you work out is to pinch up and down your Achilles tendon to get the blood flowing all the way through your leg. This minimizes soreness and makes for a quicker start into your workout.

Lunch was so tasty. I had mozzarella, chicken breast, and marinara sauce, so I made a panini (obsessed, I know). I also had an apple. The second picture is supposed to display the gooey melted cheese but it just looks like I'm a bad photographer. Know this, I'm not!

Snack was almonds at work... woo hoo; something new and different for me!! Coffee not pictured but c'mon, we all know I had it. I was informed by mother dearest that I was on my own for dinner. Sweet. Fine. Wegman's will never leave you lonely. So I got the Philadelphia roll sushi. Soo good! The best sushi I had was in Bel Air (or thereabouts) in Maryland on a lovely December day last year. It. Was. So. Good. Wegman's is good for a substitute but until I have the Maryland one, I'll be searching for a filler. I had some leftover asparagus and green beans and a pear for "dessert." Just a few more days of no sweets... think I can do it? I'm going to.

This week has been so hectic! I'm happy it's finally Thursday and definitely ready for the weekend. Although I'm letting go for a lot this weekend, I still have a ton of stuff to do. Updating my blog was my...hmm... not first priority. So sorry about the delay.
Tuesday I woke up early and went for a run. Two days later and my foot is killing me. Not smart. I don't know why other than I just haven't been devoted to my rehab in a while. So I'm getting a little better but still not so much. I have a ton of exercises I should probably be doing right now actually... oh well. It's hard to take your shoes and socks off at work to do rehab. Anyway, about 4.5 miles on Tuesday, again with no headphones, again with no breakfast. I could feel the energy draining about 3 miles in. My legs were lagging. It was also raining, though, and that never helps anything. If any of you have had surgery before, or tendonitis, you know when the weather gets bad, so do your joints. All the aches and pains come back full throttle. It's not enjoyable.

I got home and made a bowl of Puffins and Fiber One. Yes, not that exciting but I was hungry and just wanted a big bowl of cereal. Not pictured is my delicious cup of coffee I chugged before class. An hour in I was so exhausted I could have used more. If I don't enough sleep Sunday night, I'm messed up all week. It's awful, but true. So I sat in class eyes glazed over. Nice.

Lunch was my last avocado and chicken lunch meat with light mayo for at least a day! Ha. It's so good though...hits the spot. I had it with an apple and almonds. Oops, forgot the almonds, but I'm guessing by now, you know what they look like.

I get done with class around 5:00 and had a hair appointment. It never fails to rain when I get my hair cut. Seriously, never. For the past 4 years I cannot even think of a time where it didn't. I love getting my hair washed and head massaged. I could get my hair cut every day! They offered me coffee and showed me to the cream and sugar. Obviously I was thinking Oh yes... free coffee! They didn't have any more stirrers! I had to shake my coffee (no lid, mind you). It was a horrible idea from the start but for some reason, I acted upon it. Smart, Jessie.

After my appointment, I went home lighter without the hair. I made a snack of some leftover mozzarella and pizza sauce on the butterfly crackers. Nice little quick salty fix.

Dinner was gooood. We had the Wegman's rotisserie barbecue chicken with a sweet potato, asparagus, and a pretzel roll. this easy dinner hit the spot. I usually don't eat skin on chicken but every once in a while it's so good. All the flavor (thus fat) is in the skin of the chicken, which is why it's usually prepared boneless/skinless. Still, it was good, and for $4.00, a good deal.

An apple and peanut butter as a late night snack. Still, no sweets! This is a record for me!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Today was just one of those days. The ones you try to sleep through your alarm and pretend it isn't going off. I tried. I got up and the first thing that happened was I forgot my proxy card to get into the parking garage. No big deal; I can park elsewhere. None of the "regulars" showed up at my class this morning. I must be sucking. Either that or they finally came to their senses about waking up early. I had three women who did show, two of which left early leaving me one-on-one. I loved the one-on-one. The woman could easily verbalize if she couldn't do something or didn't like an exercise. It made for a much better connection. Obviously, this won't be a norm but it was nice. So then I'm out of class and I change back into my uniform. I wore my black yoga pants and when I was trying to get them over my shoe I got caught and fell on the floor. I laughed it off. I walked over to put my bag in a locker and hit my head on a coat rack with no coats. I saw the direction things were going. I threw my gum into the trash can, missed. I opened my gym bag, shampoo had spilled everywhere. Forgot underwear, do that a lot. Forgot one clean sock. So it was a good morning. Class was cancelled! That was phenomenal. I got my work in finished by 10:00. That makes the rest of the day so nice. Oh right, same old same old early morning breakfast: oatmeal, almonds, apple. No coffee til way later! I was proud of myself.
Consequently, I also got great news today: I'm getting my wisdom teeth out! That's not the best part... The best part is that I'm getting them out on my two best friends birthdays!! What luck. That's gonna make for an interesting few days of food entries. Anyway, back to today. Of course, just like yesterday, still no lunch meat. I had to get creative. Not knowing I was making dinner, I made a mini pizza-type thing on my Oatnut bread with a banana. Nothing special but it tasted good, and hit the spot.

After a bunch of errands I had my usual caffeine headache and got my Starbucks with half milk/half my creamer. Delish.

I had two snacks today. One was a bowl of Puffin's cereal (don't be misled by the mini-wheats, I was just finishing the box). Sometimes cereal is really all I crave. I used to eat big bowls of it for dinner all the time.

My other snack was as I was making dinner. I had some leftover mozzarella and I put it on those butterfly crackers everyone knows so well. I added some of the pizza sauce and a thin slice of chicken... yes, I went to the grocery store, again.

Dinner was spectacular. I did everything tonight. I made meatballs subs and broccoli with a salad (avocado, almonds, heirloom tomatoes, cukes, and onion...oh and blue cheese dressing). My subs were good considering I just threw it all together. I was impressed. Melted fresh mozzarella... ummm.... I don't think it gets much better.

An apple and some almonds for "dessert." No sweets stinks, but strangely enough, if all day long I'm under the impression I won't have sweets, I don't crave them so much. Looks like I may win this bet after all. Maybe I should up the terms...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Today was a nice lazy Sunday. I got enough done to make it almost seem productive, but really, I spent a lot of the weekend doing work so I wasn't too concerned. Waking up at 10:00 is absolutely heavenly. I heard you're not supposed to sleep in too much, especially before you have to wake up early, because it throws off your system. Well, I figure if I get 9 hours of sleep Saturday night, and 5 Sunday night, it evens out alright. So I woke up, still with an alarm surprisingly, and ate breakfast. Still not Bruegger's. I'm going to have to get it at some point this week... before they lose the pumpkin coffee I love so much.

Instead, I had this delightful creation. I'm giving myself too much credit. It looks pretty bland now that I'm seeing the picture of it. It tasted fine though-- breakfast burrito with egg, cheese... and ketchup? Usually, I'd use salsa but for some unknown reason, we never manage to have any. I think it just gets lost in the fridge somewhere and we're all too lazy to look for it. I had strawberries too but we were down to the last handful so my serving was less than filling. On my way to church (yes, I go now... weird right?) I obviously wanted my coffee. I stopped at a shopping center where there is a Saxby's and a Dunkin right next to each other. I wanted Dunkin's pumpkin spice... and I wanted it badly. I made a bee-line for the inviting smell of donuts and fresh coffee but at the last second hung a right and opened the door... for Saxby's?! Yes, it's true. Saxby's and I have a tumultuous relationship. Last fall, I had Saxby's on several occasions while flying through the Philly airport. It was always after a super early morning flight, and always great. After my cup, I would leave, only hoping to see Saxby's again. This happened on a few occasions, and suddenly, my bi-monthly visit wasn't enough. I craved Saxby's, and one day, Saxby's put up a "COMING SOON!" sign up... on College Avenue (at Penn State). I got my hopes up. I walked by the store longingly looking to see the day it would open it's doors and have me. I suffered months. Lie after lie after lie. Saxby's wasn't coming soon. It was playing a game of cat and mouse with me, and it won. I gave up after months of wintry weather and denial. Saxby's and I, as we knew it, were over.

Unknown to me, Saxby's came to Virginia. Finally, the wait was over. I was excited to rekindle my relationship with the past love. I went over one day late in the summer. It was love at first sip. It's been a while since I've had it, though. Somehow, Dunkin or Starbucks won out. It was like Saxby's didn't have a chance. But it did have a chance! Months and months of a chance. So, the moral of the story is I did get my Saxby's, and I have the picture to prove it.

After I got back home, it was about lunch time, and typical of the Davis residence, we were out of most food. I was stuck with (but not unhappy about) a peanut butter and banana sandwich on my oatnut. It could have used more peanut butter... but I think that is the case with anything. I have a tendency to want to glob it on by the masses. It's a battle I fight with myself almost every time I use it. I never liked peanut butter until college. All the girls in my class loved peanut butter. Peanut butter and nutella, peanut butter and fluff, peanut butter out of the jar. In fact, one attested she could eat solely peanut butter for her diet.. and lose weight. I don't recommend that, but actually, despite it's high caloric number, peanut butter is a great combination of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fat.

I had two mini snacks during the day too: an ounce of almonds and some pieces of Pita bread from an Indian restaurant.

Sometime late in the afternoon, Susie called and said we were going out to dinner. I have a love/hate relationship with restaurants. I love going out because it's easy, no work required, and usually pretty good food. I hate going out because restaurants are horrible about serving way too much of too fattening food. I'm not someone who can go out and order a salad every time either. In fact, even if I did want to order a salad, the best ones are all just as bad as any entree. So because of that, I order something I want, and try to stay semi healthy by ordering veggies instead of fries, or a side salad to come first. Usually, I do pretty well.

Something you should know about my parents is that in the 22 years I've been alive, I've never seen them order their own meal at a restaurant...never. Not once. They always split. No matter the food, breakfast or dinner, a salad or a sandwich, they're cutting it in half (or thereabouts) and splitting. This never affected me before because I'd order my own thing and scoff at the things they got. Reuben's, portabella sandwiches...gross. Not for me. Now, however, Reuben's and portabellas are two of my favorite sandwiches... so we do a three-way-split! It's absurd but works okay. So last night, we ordered the nachos as an appetizer (I had more than what's on my plate, it's true), a mushroom and Swiss burger, and a grilled chicken with brie sandwich. So, those aren't the remnants of my dinner... they are my thirds. Looks measly and pathetic but I bet in those two big bites, or six minis, you can pack a lot more calories than you'd guess. I had a couple more bites of my dad's part (his are always bigger) and a few fries. I don't really order fried food often, but these fries were gooood. They were crispy, not soggy, and well flavored. Overall, dinner (at Grevey's) was pretty satisfying.

And would ya look at that... no sweets. Day one, check.

The Bet

Alex doesn't think I can go a week without sweets. Bring it on. This means no:

-On coffees: No drizzles, syrups, or whipped cream
-Ice cream

This is going to be rough. I can't even eat the m&m's in my trail mix.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

My mom knocked on my door this morning and asked me if I wanted Bruegger's Bagels. Umm.. yes! I love Bruegger's and I've been craving their pumpkin coffee and good bagels. Unfortunately, I had to study and they wouldn't be back before my exam started. So, another let down. This weekend is stacking up, huh? I had the same old breakfast. I'm wanting waffles. I need to get them one of these days... but that's another thing.

I rushed to my exam which was quite a process at the NOVA testing center. It's really poorly organized, with people rushing all over and coming in and out of the "quiet" rooms. I don't work well when I'm distracted, so I was constantly sidetracked by everything going on around me. Because my breakfast was only carbs and a little protein, the hunger set in right after my exam. I used the last of my fresh deli meat on a wrap with avocado, sour cream, tomato and cracked black pepper. My parents brought back fresh apples (soo good in the fall) so I had one with my wrap. I also had almonds about an hour later. I spent most of the day looking at the pouring rain outside, and it made me want to curl up with hot chocolate and a good movie.

Well, instead of hot chocolate, my mom told me she wanted to go to TJ Maxx and I knew there was a Starbucks right down the shopping center. I just wanted my treat. My Java Chip Frappuccino Light WITH the whip and chocolate drizzle. I get made fun of for this little habit but I don't think there is a big difference in taste with the light and regular and I'm not willing to give up the whip; that's my favorite part.

I love doing mundane little errands with my mom. We've come a long way since I graduated high school and I think we see more eye-to-eye now than we ever had. Not to mention we look like twins both wearing the same colored shirts and red purses... really? Am I turning into my mom? Wait, no, people tell me I'm like my dad? Oye veigh. I'll pass. No offense, I know you both read this! (Plus my sister, boyfriend, and maybe one of my friends... look how popular I am!) Susie and I went to Trader Joe's (obsessed) and we got some stuff for dinner.

Dinner was tasty. Sometimes the simplest thing, like spaghetti with meat sauce can really hit the spot. We made it with a puttanesca sauce. It had capers in it, which usually I don't like but I'm apparently growing into it. It has this nice rich but lightly salty flavor and it tastes more dynamic than just a marinara. We had brussel sprouts too but I don't love them. They're okay. I love vegetables but I'd prefer not to have brussel sprouts. I feel like its in the "liver and onions" category for gross sounding food when you're a kid. "Honey! Come to dinner... It's liver and onions with a side of brussel sprouts!!" Oh great, just what every kid wants. Garbage with a side of trash. Yum. Luckily, as a kid, I was never forced to eat things. In fact, I never ate vegetables as a kid. I was so picky up until my freshman year of college. Then things completely changed and I love almost all types of food. Before then, it was fast food, fried food, sweets, hamburgers, pizza, tacos only. I still like that stuff, minus fast food really, but I definitely expanded my horizons... and as you might be able to tell now, became a bit of a foodie.

Just to be fair and honest, during the day I had a handful of m&m's... couple of almonds, tore off a piece of pita bread with PB, and a small piece bread with my dinner. I prefer sopping spaghetti sauce with bread instead of noodles, so I swapped one for the other.

Mmm...chocolate cake again. Delicious.
Boy, how excited was I to wake up and endure a day full of studying and errands! Typical breakfast-- you know the drill... Fiber One Honey Clusters, strawberries and skim milk.

I went to the gym for a quick workout because I knew I would be sitting on my toosh most of the day. My gym is really funny. Well, I go to two gyms. The rec center is the funny one. 90% of the people are senior citizens. Picture this: striped tube socks, sweat bands, black Reebok tennis shoes shuffling across the floor, high waisted shorts and old sweat stained tee shirts. They walk around in swooshie pants too... and spend most of their time chatting to one another. One hardcore lady always runs with her shirt off; she is probably over 70 years old. She thinks she is hot shit too, excuse my french. She knows all the oldies are looking at her. She isn't really happy when the young vixen 40 year olds come in and steal her thunder. It always makes me laugh when I picture myself amidst this crowd. I did the elliptical and an ab workout.

In between working out and lunch I grabbed a coffee. I wanted my pumpkin creamer so I mixed a tablespoon of my 1% milk with a tablespoon of the creamer. I know that sounds weird but the creamer is 35 calories per serving (tbsp). So, two servings (which is about how much I use) is 70 calories! That's a lot for just a bit of creamer. I mix the milk (7 calories a tbsp) with the creamer, and it's much more like my typical half and half. That was a good cup.

I studied for a few hours and then was pretty hungry. I got deli sliced turkey and ham from Wegman's a few days ago and used that and some avocado on a sandwich. I'm becoming obsessed. I've been through about 4 avocados this week! I had an apple on the side--big surprise right?

This light lunch allows room for a good snack, so I had a banana with a tbsp of peanut butter and a few chocolate chips. I love this snack. Peanut butter and banana is awesome... peanut butter and chocolate is superb. The combination is heavenly. If you can't tell... I don't often just slop things together. I take time to enjoy every time I eat. I make it an "experience." Yes, its time consuming but it makes me happy.
I had big plans to go out Friday night... maybe even out to dinner before. B-U-S-T. I was so bummed! First, I just decided to make my own dinner because if I went out I wanted something light. I got all ready, make up, hair, etc. to learn I was just going to spend the night in. I had an exam in the morning (Saturday... I know, horrible) so I just got ready for it. Of course Susie and Dick bring home sweets Friday night and it's chocolate cake!!!! Ughh.. I have no willpower. And I'll eat it until it's gone!

It was Trader Joe's double chocolate and it is absolutely fantastic. They also bought caramel swirl Edy's slow churn. Night out on the town....or cake an ice cream? You decide...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Woo Hoo! Thursday at 1:00 = WEEKEND! I know. It's envious. I must say though, sometimes I wonder if it is worth getting up so early... then it's Thursday and I think, yes. So hallelujah!


Okay, that was mean. It's Friday now, and even though my weekend has "begun," I'm stuck studying for a test I need to take that's not fun. Yesterday was such a long day. I had so many little things to do, and I felt like I was running around all over. Sounds like everyone elses day too probably though, right? The day began with opening the gym at 5:00. Always fun, but I'm getting used to it, and knowing it's the weekend soon makes it easier. The people there are always so energetic in the morning... it's unreal! There is a boxing class from 6:00-7:00 and the people are actually thinking about coming in at 5:30 so they can get more time in. That's impressive. Who knows how many are actually on board...

I spread my breakfast out over my entire shift because I didn't pack as much as I had planned. Usually I bring about an ounce of almonds (1/4) cup but for some reason I only brought half of that. So I ate my oatmeal first, then almonds an hour later, and my apple (and coffee!) even later. It worked out well because I was never hungry. That's a rare thing for me. I could bring lunch there too... and that would stop me from being starving, but I much rather would eat at home, even if my tum is growling angrily at me. Sometimes I overrule her, but usually, she is the queen bee.

The gym was quiet though, so I had a lot of time to actually get things done. I love when people come talk to me...apart from one person who is a strange middle-aged man and will go unnamed at the small chance this becomes a mega blog one day. One older guy gave me the nickname "B-B" for beautiful and brainy. It's super corny but it's nice making these people a little happier. Another man came in and said the gym is the only time he sees smiles. Little things like that are cool, and make it different from any old job. I'm actually impacting lives. On that note, J & P was another fairly successful class. I had a lot of newbies, but they survived. One woman afterwards was talking to her friend and said "Now that was a workout." That makes me happy. I talked to her after the class and she asked me about a menu we could make for her. I'd love to do stuff like that. So this is definitely a good track for me. Plus, I love my boss. We probably talk more than work but it makes things really enjoyable and he teaches me a lot. It's funny because he has me checking out everyone who walks in so I can get used to rapid physical assessments. I hope no one thinks I am staring at their butt... even though it's quite possible I am.

I worked out for a little after J & P. I didn't do much because we did a mixture of weights and cardio to tide me over. Maybe 30-40 minutes easy on the elliptical.

After work/working out it was lunch time. I'm really into avocado and fresh deli meat at the moment so I'm probably going to be making these sandwiches a lot. The avocado is really a great substitute for either condiments or cheese. It can be sliced to be a more cheese-like facet or mushed up a little to be a spread of a sort. Either way (and yes, I've done both) is delicious. I added mustard to the mix of turkey, ham, lettuce, onion and black pepper. I don't recommend that. It's a weird combo. Oops. I had the leftover asparagus too. Nice little lunch.

I had a meeting with an academic adviser at GMU for the Master of Exercise Science: Exercise, Fitness, Health Promotion. As long as I can find a class or two more, I'll be able to enroll in the fall! Well.. I have to get in, too. After this meeting, it was about 5:00 and I had a major carb craving. It started with nan bread my parents brought home from an afghan restaurant. I toasted it and added Smart Balance. So simple but so good. Then I had a tortilla with avocado and sour cream again, just to tide me over until dinner.

My mom's best friend ever was in town from Racine, Wisconsin last night. They hadn't seen each other for 20 years. That's insane! So I was invited out to dinner with them at a place in Old Town, Alexandria. We went to Bugsy's Pizza... so good! Guess what kind I had... pineapple, duh. I also made a salad at the salad bar with lettuce, croutons, onion, cucumber, and blue cheese. They had no tomato at the salad bar... anyone else think that's strange? It was a lot of fun hearing my mom and her friend reminiscing. I only hope I never go 20 years between seeing my best friends. That's way too long. The cool thing is they looked like they never skipped a beat.

I got home, had a little bit of ice cream and passed out. I have a lot of studying to do, though... so sayonara!

It's better to just be big...

Yesterday in nutrition, my teacher was talking about body composition in people presently, compared to historically. The people in my class ask (and don't tell me there is no such thing) the stupidest questions ever. While answering one of these questions, my less-than-spectacular teacher goes on to explain that metabolisms are different, and some are just faster than others because of genetics. She went on to say, and very poignantly I might add, that all the people with fast metabolisms would have died off first, before the fatties, if you will. So technically, evolutionarily speaking, you're better off to be a little rounder. Well great, I'm thinking. Now that we're thousands of years beyond initial evolution, we should tell society how much better it is to be thicker! Now we can all indulge in all of our greatest desires-- ice cream drowned in Hershey syrup, brownies oozing with chocolate chips, greasy pizza dipped in ranch, thick pieces of bread dolloped with butter. This is fantastic news! Everyone live it up! Times are a-changin'!
Evolution ain't here no mo', and humans aren't the hunter gatherers we used to be. It's ridiculous. Sometimes people will come into the gym and workout for about 20-30 minutes and leave with a huge protein bar. True, it is important to refuel your body 1-2 hours after you workout, but huge (thus calorie laden) protein bars and yes, even your Gatorade, aren't necessary unless you are an elite level athlete, or you're doing very intense workouts. Aka: if you trot on the treadmill, breeze through the elliptical, or turn your legs at no resistance on the bike, YOU DON'T NEED MAJOR REFUELING! I'm all about treating myself, and I'm all about eating all the time, but keep your post workout snack around 200 calories... or just eat a meal! This is excluding people trying to put on weight. You're in your own category.

Anyway, now that my tangent is over... yesterday I had time to get up and make breakfast. I had an egg sandwich with a Kraft singles on wheat bread. It's the light wheat bread, and though I don't love it by any stretch of the word, it does the trick when I need it to. I also had some strawberries but not many because we ran out... grr...After class, I went to the gym. I forgot my headphones. For those of you who work out at the gym...not having music is a travesty. I'm not being dramatic! How are you supposed to get that last mile without Akon telling you how beautiful you are? It's rough. I battled through it, and actually, it wasn't that bad. Okay, truth be told, I texted the whole time. Yes, I make fun of people who do weird things when they work out but I've become one of them. I always would advise to stay present during your workout, but I actually sometimes want to escape, just to get through it, to get to the next thing. I did 40 minutes on the elliptical, stretched and headed home for lunch.

As you can see, lunch was pretty meager. We're running out of all food and despite my 454 grocery runs a week, I never get food I need--just that which I want. I made this wrap on a high fiber whole wheat La Tortilla Factory wrap. I filled it with the deli turkey, avocado, sour cream and taco seasoning. It was pretty good--but I think it's almost retirement time for the turkey if you catch my drift. I had apples with cinnamon too. I wanted trail mix, but like I said, low on groceries, so before work I set out to Wegmans to get some. Well... it was a bust, because I'm just loyal to Trader Joe's in the trail mix department. Despite breaking the "no nibbling" rules a Wegmans to sneak a taste of their mixes, I was unimpressed. I went with the roasted salted almonds--again, though I bought them, not as good as Trader Joe's! You can imagine my disappointment. It did go nicely with the cafeteria Starbucks with my creamer. The pumpkin worked today! I was so happy. It was a good cup of coffee. You know that can solve any problem!

So, Dick and Susie ditched me for dinner and I had to go to Wegmans again after work! It's getting a little crazy how much time I spend in the grocery store, but like I said, I find it calming. Since my family doesn't like fish, I took it as an opportunity to get some tilapia. I bake it with lime juice, a little olive oil, cracked pepper, salt, and oregano. It's sooo good. I never liked fish but I started with tilapia, and this simple recipe sold me. I'm still getting there with stronger fish, like salmon. Mo opened my eyes to salmon with a ritz cracker and mayonnaise topped one. How bad could that be? I roasted some asparagus and bought fresh garlic sourdough bread from the store. So good. I had it with Smart Balance, and not butter because it's so much better for you.

Dessert was a new kind of ice cream--Turkey Hill brownie something or other. It had the Yankee's emblem on it...? It was quite tasty and so much cheaper than Edy's. A ten in my book.

Well, I have to run... not really. I'm just sitting at work. No matter... take care!