Thursday, October 22, 2009

Woo Hoo! Thursday at 1:00 = WEEKEND! I know. It's envious. I must say though, sometimes I wonder if it is worth getting up so early... then it's Thursday and I think, yes. So hallelujah!


Okay, that was mean. It's Friday now, and even though my weekend has "begun," I'm stuck studying for a test I need to take that's not fun. Yesterday was such a long day. I had so many little things to do, and I felt like I was running around all over. Sounds like everyone elses day too probably though, right? The day began with opening the gym at 5:00. Always fun, but I'm getting used to it, and knowing it's the weekend soon makes it easier. The people there are always so energetic in the morning... it's unreal! There is a boxing class from 6:00-7:00 and the people are actually thinking about coming in at 5:30 so they can get more time in. That's impressive. Who knows how many are actually on board...

I spread my breakfast out over my entire shift because I didn't pack as much as I had planned. Usually I bring about an ounce of almonds (1/4) cup but for some reason I only brought half of that. So I ate my oatmeal first, then almonds an hour later, and my apple (and coffee!) even later. It worked out well because I was never hungry. That's a rare thing for me. I could bring lunch there too... and that would stop me from being starving, but I much rather would eat at home, even if my tum is growling angrily at me. Sometimes I overrule her, but usually, she is the queen bee.

The gym was quiet though, so I had a lot of time to actually get things done. I love when people come talk to me...apart from one person who is a strange middle-aged man and will go unnamed at the small chance this becomes a mega blog one day. One older guy gave me the nickname "B-B" for beautiful and brainy. It's super corny but it's nice making these people a little happier. Another man came in and said the gym is the only time he sees smiles. Little things like that are cool, and make it different from any old job. I'm actually impacting lives. On that note, J & P was another fairly successful class. I had a lot of newbies, but they survived. One woman afterwards was talking to her friend and said "Now that was a workout." That makes me happy. I talked to her after the class and she asked me about a menu we could make for her. I'd love to do stuff like that. So this is definitely a good track for me. Plus, I love my boss. We probably talk more than work but it makes things really enjoyable and he teaches me a lot. It's funny because he has me checking out everyone who walks in so I can get used to rapid physical assessments. I hope no one thinks I am staring at their butt... even though it's quite possible I am.

I worked out for a little after J & P. I didn't do much because we did a mixture of weights and cardio to tide me over. Maybe 30-40 minutes easy on the elliptical.

After work/working out it was lunch time. I'm really into avocado and fresh deli meat at the moment so I'm probably going to be making these sandwiches a lot. The avocado is really a great substitute for either condiments or cheese. It can be sliced to be a more cheese-like facet or mushed up a little to be a spread of a sort. Either way (and yes, I've done both) is delicious. I added mustard to the mix of turkey, ham, lettuce, onion and black pepper. I don't recommend that. It's a weird combo. Oops. I had the leftover asparagus too. Nice little lunch.

I had a meeting with an academic adviser at GMU for the Master of Exercise Science: Exercise, Fitness, Health Promotion. As long as I can find a class or two more, I'll be able to enroll in the fall! Well.. I have to get in, too. After this meeting, it was about 5:00 and I had a major carb craving. It started with nan bread my parents brought home from an afghan restaurant. I toasted it and added Smart Balance. So simple but so good. Then I had a tortilla with avocado and sour cream again, just to tide me over until dinner.

My mom's best friend ever was in town from Racine, Wisconsin last night. They hadn't seen each other for 20 years. That's insane! So I was invited out to dinner with them at a place in Old Town, Alexandria. We went to Bugsy's Pizza... so good! Guess what kind I had... pineapple, duh. I also made a salad at the salad bar with lettuce, croutons, onion, cucumber, and blue cheese. They had no tomato at the salad bar... anyone else think that's strange? It was a lot of fun hearing my mom and her friend reminiscing. I only hope I never go 20 years between seeing my best friends. That's way too long. The cool thing is they looked like they never skipped a beat.

I got home, had a little bit of ice cream and passed out. I have a lot of studying to do, though... so sayonara!

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