Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Feasting Day

I couldn't take another mini-wheats shot... so I didn't. Coffee run before the soccer game. Toasted almond... pumpkin was better so another one later? I think so.

Lunch was at the Redifer, and being the creature of habit that I am, I went with the panini for the THIRD time. I'm telling you. This baby is good. Alex got a huge plate of sesame chicken. It's pretty good for campus cuisine. We had lots of little errands to do today. Treatment, moving my car, getting things together for surgery day etc... So there wasn't much down time minus a really nice coffee date...aren't we just adorabl....y annoying? We ran into Vegas, a girl from the team as she was off to dinner. McDonalds. Dinner of a true champion college athelete. Get it, girl.

We picked TGI Fridays for dinner because it's easy and has anything and everything on the menu. We split the cobb salad as an appetizer. It was really good actually but I hate olives and Alex doesn't like blue cheese crumbles so we had a lot of picking to do before we could eat it. It was worth it though. For my meal I got the Jack Daniels chicken with mashed taters and green beans. I really liked the sauce and even though I had the great idea of eating half and saving half, I just ate the whole thing. Once again, brownies and ice cream for dessert. I finally got my own. Turkey Hill caribou tracks. It is pushing up near edy's in my opinion. It's toffee flavored ice cream with caramel swirls and chocolate chunks. It's fantastic. We went to sleep pretty early for a 6:30 check in at the hospital...

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