Thursday, October 8, 2009

5:00 a.m. shifts

It is 6:30 and I've already been awake for two hours. This makes me feel like an adult! How mature am I? Well... I try, but I have my moments.

Wednesdays are always just as hectic as any day, but yesterday was not so bad. I started my morning with fiber one, strawberries and 1% milk again. Big surprise right? I know, I know... I'm a creature of habit, but in this case, it is a good habit, so I don't intend to change. Actually, a good breakfast is one of the easiest "food" goals to accomplish all day. Cravings are the least in the morning, and it is easy to make a good fueling breakfast every morning. Some of my staples are oatmeal, Activia, almonds, fruit, cereal, Eggo low-fat waffles with cottage cheese (one of my favorites yummm), or breakfast burritos: one egg, and two egg whites scrambled, shredded cheese, and salsa all wrapped up into a tortilla. This was introduced to me by Melanie in high school, and I've been hooked ever since. So breakfast was a success.

Between class and work, I usually get a workout, and then pilates in. I was very antsy yesterday, however, and knew I wouldn't be able to stay centered in pilates, and when I'm supposed to be focusing on staying present in my practice, my mind would be running everywhere, so I nixed it. I just did the elliptical for about 40 minutes. My ankle (I had surgery in April) is starting to hurt, so running outside is a good thing to avoid every day. It was tough to get through the whole workout. My attention was, like I mentioned, everywhere but the gym. I don't know how I managed, but I looked at the clock, and my time had passed. Thank God. For being a really active, athletic, workout-obsessed person, I too get into ruts. That is why it's important to change it up. For example, take classes, vary your music, or at least do routines in different orders. You'll be surprised how easy it is to trick your body into thinking it's doing something different, new, or exciting.

After my workout, the gym was giving away free samples. Me, being the hoarder of food I am, took two mini Luna bars, a pack of cinnamon sugar almonds, and chocolate soy milk. I know, it's bad, but at least I can admit it.

I went home to make lunch. Once again, I killed off the leftovers of my corn and black bean salad. I wrapped it in the same high fiber tortilla, but added 1/4 an avocado for some healthy fat. This is a good way to keep yourself satisfied without breaking the bank. It's a better fat than cheese, because it isn't saturated. Strangely enough, I heard once that if you had to survive on one food alone, avocado would keep you alive for the longest. If you never liked avocado as a kid, try it again! I hated it... and now I'd take it on any sandwich, wrap, salad, etc. I'd even eat it plain! It's also a good substitute for creamy condiments (i.e. mayo) because of it's high (but healthy!) fat content. I also had some almonds and an Activia. I don't really think Activia works. You know what I mean by that, if you've seen the commercials about their digestive enzymes that regulate your system. Catch my drift? Ha, I've really broken the personal barrier now. But, some people swear by it. I'm just not one of them. I prefer Yoplait... because of abundant choices, and it just tastes more like a treat. My favorites are cherry cobbler, cinnamon bun, and key lime. But I'll eat any and all of them.

I treated myself to a Starbucks non-fat cafe latte yesterday. Because I learned the benefits of cinnamon, I essentially poured it into my foamy drink... blissss.

I was hungry a few hours into work, so I had one of my mini Lunas. It was Nutz Over Chocolate. Diz, if you're reading this, remember how many of these you devoured freshman year? You were obsessed haha. I thought of you as I ate it.

Dinner was "take out." I went to Wegmans (love love love) and got a brown rice California Roll with some stir-fry vegetables (green beans, mini corn, broccoli, etc.) on the side. Pretty good dinner choices, especially for eating out. The whole California roll had only 190 calories or so. And it doesn't taste "healthy" I don't think. I did add a little soy sauce, which has a ton of sodium which typically wakes you up feeling bloated, but it's worth it every once in a while. I thought I would satisfy my sweet tooth with a piece of Dove chocolate and then planned on going to bed. Unfortunately, I got into a mood... which is never good when I am around food. At first, it was an innocent plan to just take a few m&m's. That led to a small bowl full, with leftover kettle korn and a handful of trailmix. This continued, and then I did that horrible thing we women like to call "emotional eating." I wasn't hungry, wasn't craving anything, but I was tired, worn down, and the only thing that could fill my void in that very moment was stuffing myself. I went to sleep feeling guilty and overstuffed. This is never a healthy food association. I never would advise someone to feel guilty for their food, because we NEED calories... and sometimes we NEED a jumbo sized cookie or plate of french fries... and we shouldn't regret these if we can control ourselves and have them from time to time. Last night however, it became unhealthy because I lost my control. Getting personal, I used to have a tiny tiny binge problem. It was my junior year at Penn State, and I used food to the point where I would wake up in a lot, a lot of pain. My roommates could vouche for this. I, luckily, hadn't lost all control, and I never, not once purged. I just developed an unhealthy habit, and through a lot of willpower, I dug myself out of that rut. Last night wasn't this bad, but it isn't something I want to fall into again, and I don't intend to. Someone asked if I would add that "mini binge" into my blog, and I said I had to. I'll keep it honest with you as much as possible. I don't have a picture of what I ate, because if I actually stopped long enough for that, I would probably have stopped eating.

How embarrassing. Oh well. That's just one of my food issues. I've had several, and as this blog continues, more and more will be released to you. The 8th is Susie's birthday=GOOD DINNER!!! Wahoo. I'm stoked. She said she didn't want me to bake her something because then it will be around the house and she'll pick at it but we'll see how I listen.

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