Sunday, October 4, 2009

Blast from the past...

Yesterday was a wave a nostalgia. Earlier in the week my dad and I talked about this old pumpkin patch we went to. It was called Cherry Hill farm and they had everything a little kid could imagine. I remember hot apple cider and the smell of donuts just lingering around their "general store." They had a huge corn field maze and a hayride that led you to what seemed like an ocean of pumpkins. There was a haunted house and animals and I was the happiest little kid ever when I was there. So we set out to find it on the internet and finally after remembering the name and searching it, we found they sold out to corporate America and thus, bye bye Halloween dreams. No matter, Dick (aka my pops) did the dirty work to find a few replacements. And that is how I spent my Saturday.

You can see here how miserably I failed at breakfast. I was dead set on an omelet. We had feta and spinach and onions so I figured a Greek omelet would be easy enough. Well... my impatience led to burned eggs, spinach, and black, not golden onions. So with that mishap aside I had to go with a pretty lame peanutbutter and fluff sammy. Don't get me wrong, I love these, but this new bread I got is awful and I'm just eating it to get rid. It's pepperidge farm light wheat... not toasted it's fine (at best) but after you send that thing into the firey pit of the toaster it is demolished, stale tasting, and more of a bland cracker than toast. But that's the way the cookie crumbled, and I ate it begrudingly.

So, in an attempt to avoid the caramel apples and kettle korn at the farm, I packed an apple and some almonds but, c'mon, how lame is that? Instead, I was lured by the smell of pumpkin pretzels... okay with icing. Oh my gosh, it was so good. It could have been a little warmer but still... I ate the whole thing. And then I had this great idea to use the leftover icing for my apple. Yeah, so about the being healthy. Really though, how boring would it have been to just sit on the sidelines and watch other people enjoy the fruits of life? But honestly, I rounded it out with the almonds later, so by and large, it was an acceptable lunch & snack. I'll take it. The cool thing about this place was that's across the street from a winery and if you bought "festival tickets" a free wine tasting was included. I tried the "strawberry dessert" and "peach" wine. I'm still acquiring that taste but it's coming along.

For dinner, I was sure I wanted something on the grill, and that is what I got. Something about the smell of something grilling in the fall beats even the best of times in the summer. We made burgers and rounded them out with grilled veggies and salad. I'm obsessed with grilled veggies. If you asked the girls from Penn State soccer, all I did at the bbqs was wait for them to grill the veggies. That's not to say I didn't stuff myself with everything.... Sheppie if you're out there, please grill me some steakies, thanks. Obviously, I had my ice cream. I probably ate wayyy too much sugar yesterday but I'm a firm believer into giving into my sweet tooth every once in a while. Also, I seemed to lack willpower, and I just didn't mind. Some things are more important. I figured we walked around for about 4 hours and it's good to give yourself a break. This is why diets don't work. It has to just be the way you live, not a constant fight against what you love.

That's all for now... I think I want to bake a pie...

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