Saturday, October 24, 2009

My mom knocked on my door this morning and asked me if I wanted Bruegger's Bagels. Umm.. yes! I love Bruegger's and I've been craving their pumpkin coffee and good bagels. Unfortunately, I had to study and they wouldn't be back before my exam started. So, another let down. This weekend is stacking up, huh? I had the same old breakfast. I'm wanting waffles. I need to get them one of these days... but that's another thing.

I rushed to my exam which was quite a process at the NOVA testing center. It's really poorly organized, with people rushing all over and coming in and out of the "quiet" rooms. I don't work well when I'm distracted, so I was constantly sidetracked by everything going on around me. Because my breakfast was only carbs and a little protein, the hunger set in right after my exam. I used the last of my fresh deli meat on a wrap with avocado, sour cream, tomato and cracked black pepper. My parents brought back fresh apples (soo good in the fall) so I had one with my wrap. I also had almonds about an hour later. I spent most of the day looking at the pouring rain outside, and it made me want to curl up with hot chocolate and a good movie.

Well, instead of hot chocolate, my mom told me she wanted to go to TJ Maxx and I knew there was a Starbucks right down the shopping center. I just wanted my treat. My Java Chip Frappuccino Light WITH the whip and chocolate drizzle. I get made fun of for this little habit but I don't think there is a big difference in taste with the light and regular and I'm not willing to give up the whip; that's my favorite part.

I love doing mundane little errands with my mom. We've come a long way since I graduated high school and I think we see more eye-to-eye now than we ever had. Not to mention we look like twins both wearing the same colored shirts and red purses... really? Am I turning into my mom? Wait, no, people tell me I'm like my dad? Oye veigh. I'll pass. No offense, I know you both read this! (Plus my sister, boyfriend, and maybe one of my friends... look how popular I am!) Susie and I went to Trader Joe's (obsessed) and we got some stuff for dinner.

Dinner was tasty. Sometimes the simplest thing, like spaghetti with meat sauce can really hit the spot. We made it with a puttanesca sauce. It had capers in it, which usually I don't like but I'm apparently growing into it. It has this nice rich but lightly salty flavor and it tastes more dynamic than just a marinara. We had brussel sprouts too but I don't love them. They're okay. I love vegetables but I'd prefer not to have brussel sprouts. I feel like its in the "liver and onions" category for gross sounding food when you're a kid. "Honey! Come to dinner... It's liver and onions with a side of brussel sprouts!!" Oh great, just what every kid wants. Garbage with a side of trash. Yum. Luckily, as a kid, I was never forced to eat things. In fact, I never ate vegetables as a kid. I was so picky up until my freshman year of college. Then things completely changed and I love almost all types of food. Before then, it was fast food, fried food, sweets, hamburgers, pizza, tacos only. I still like that stuff, minus fast food really, but I definitely expanded my horizons... and as you might be able to tell now, became a bit of a foodie.

Just to be fair and honest, during the day I had a handful of m&m's... couple of almonds, tore off a piece of pita bread with PB, and a small piece bread with my dinner. I prefer sopping spaghetti sauce with bread instead of noodles, so I swapped one for the other.

Mmm...chocolate cake again. Delicious.

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