Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's better to just be big...

Yesterday in nutrition, my teacher was talking about body composition in people presently, compared to historically. The people in my class ask (and don't tell me there is no such thing) the stupidest questions ever. While answering one of these questions, my less-than-spectacular teacher goes on to explain that metabolisms are different, and some are just faster than others because of genetics. She went on to say, and very poignantly I might add, that all the people with fast metabolisms would have died off first, before the fatties, if you will. So technically, evolutionarily speaking, you're better off to be a little rounder. Well great, I'm thinking. Now that we're thousands of years beyond initial evolution, we should tell society how much better it is to be thicker! Now we can all indulge in all of our greatest desires-- ice cream drowned in Hershey syrup, brownies oozing with chocolate chips, greasy pizza dipped in ranch, thick pieces of bread dolloped with butter. This is fantastic news! Everyone live it up! Times are a-changin'!
Evolution ain't here no mo', and humans aren't the hunter gatherers we used to be. It's ridiculous. Sometimes people will come into the gym and workout for about 20-30 minutes and leave with a huge protein bar. True, it is important to refuel your body 1-2 hours after you workout, but huge (thus calorie laden) protein bars and yes, even your Gatorade, aren't necessary unless you are an elite level athlete, or you're doing very intense workouts. Aka: if you trot on the treadmill, breeze through the elliptical, or turn your legs at no resistance on the bike, YOU DON'T NEED MAJOR REFUELING! I'm all about treating myself, and I'm all about eating all the time, but keep your post workout snack around 200 calories... or just eat a meal! This is excluding people trying to put on weight. You're in your own category.

Anyway, now that my tangent is over... yesterday I had time to get up and make breakfast. I had an egg sandwich with a Kraft singles on wheat bread. It's the light wheat bread, and though I don't love it by any stretch of the word, it does the trick when I need it to. I also had some strawberries but not many because we ran out... grr...After class, I went to the gym. I forgot my headphones. For those of you who work out at the gym...not having music is a travesty. I'm not being dramatic! How are you supposed to get that last mile without Akon telling you how beautiful you are? It's rough. I battled through it, and actually, it wasn't that bad. Okay, truth be told, I texted the whole time. Yes, I make fun of people who do weird things when they work out but I've become one of them. I always would advise to stay present during your workout, but I actually sometimes want to escape, just to get through it, to get to the next thing. I did 40 minutes on the elliptical, stretched and headed home for lunch.

As you can see, lunch was pretty meager. We're running out of all food and despite my 454 grocery runs a week, I never get food I need--just that which I want. I made this wrap on a high fiber whole wheat La Tortilla Factory wrap. I filled it with the deli turkey, avocado, sour cream and taco seasoning. It was pretty good--but I think it's almost retirement time for the turkey if you catch my drift. I had apples with cinnamon too. I wanted trail mix, but like I said, low on groceries, so before work I set out to Wegmans to get some. Well... it was a bust, because I'm just loyal to Trader Joe's in the trail mix department. Despite breaking the "no nibbling" rules a Wegmans to sneak a taste of their mixes, I was unimpressed. I went with the roasted salted almonds--again, though I bought them, not as good as Trader Joe's! You can imagine my disappointment. It did go nicely with the cafeteria Starbucks with my creamer. The pumpkin worked today! I was so happy. It was a good cup of coffee. You know that can solve any problem!

So, Dick and Susie ditched me for dinner and I had to go to Wegmans again after work! It's getting a little crazy how much time I spend in the grocery store, but like I said, I find it calming. Since my family doesn't like fish, I took it as an opportunity to get some tilapia. I bake it with lime juice, a little olive oil, cracked pepper, salt, and oregano. It's sooo good. I never liked fish but I started with tilapia, and this simple recipe sold me. I'm still getting there with stronger fish, like salmon. Mo opened my eyes to salmon with a ritz cracker and mayonnaise topped one. How bad could that be? I roasted some asparagus and bought fresh garlic sourdough bread from the store. So good. I had it with Smart Balance, and not butter because it's so much better for you.

Dessert was a new kind of ice cream--Turkey Hill brownie something or other. It had the Yankee's emblem on it...? It was quite tasty and so much cheaper than Edy's. A ten in my book.

Well, I have to run... not really. I'm just sitting at work. No matter... take care!

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