Sunday, October 25, 2009

Today was a nice lazy Sunday. I got enough done to make it almost seem productive, but really, I spent a lot of the weekend doing work so I wasn't too concerned. Waking up at 10:00 is absolutely heavenly. I heard you're not supposed to sleep in too much, especially before you have to wake up early, because it throws off your system. Well, I figure if I get 9 hours of sleep Saturday night, and 5 Sunday night, it evens out alright. So I woke up, still with an alarm surprisingly, and ate breakfast. Still not Bruegger's. I'm going to have to get it at some point this week... before they lose the pumpkin coffee I love so much.

Instead, I had this delightful creation. I'm giving myself too much credit. It looks pretty bland now that I'm seeing the picture of it. It tasted fine though-- breakfast burrito with egg, cheese... and ketchup? Usually, I'd use salsa but for some unknown reason, we never manage to have any. I think it just gets lost in the fridge somewhere and we're all too lazy to look for it. I had strawberries too but we were down to the last handful so my serving was less than filling. On my way to church (yes, I go now... weird right?) I obviously wanted my coffee. I stopped at a shopping center where there is a Saxby's and a Dunkin right next to each other. I wanted Dunkin's pumpkin spice... and I wanted it badly. I made a bee-line for the inviting smell of donuts and fresh coffee but at the last second hung a right and opened the door... for Saxby's?! Yes, it's true. Saxby's and I have a tumultuous relationship. Last fall, I had Saxby's on several occasions while flying through the Philly airport. It was always after a super early morning flight, and always great. After my cup, I would leave, only hoping to see Saxby's again. This happened on a few occasions, and suddenly, my bi-monthly visit wasn't enough. I craved Saxby's, and one day, Saxby's put up a "COMING SOON!" sign up... on College Avenue (at Penn State). I got my hopes up. I walked by the store longingly looking to see the day it would open it's doors and have me. I suffered months. Lie after lie after lie. Saxby's wasn't coming soon. It was playing a game of cat and mouse with me, and it won. I gave up after months of wintry weather and denial. Saxby's and I, as we knew it, were over.

Unknown to me, Saxby's came to Virginia. Finally, the wait was over. I was excited to rekindle my relationship with the past love. I went over one day late in the summer. It was love at first sip. It's been a while since I've had it, though. Somehow, Dunkin or Starbucks won out. It was like Saxby's didn't have a chance. But it did have a chance! Months and months of a chance. So, the moral of the story is I did get my Saxby's, and I have the picture to prove it.

After I got back home, it was about lunch time, and typical of the Davis residence, we were out of most food. I was stuck with (but not unhappy about) a peanut butter and banana sandwich on my oatnut. It could have used more peanut butter... but I think that is the case with anything. I have a tendency to want to glob it on by the masses. It's a battle I fight with myself almost every time I use it. I never liked peanut butter until college. All the girls in my class loved peanut butter. Peanut butter and nutella, peanut butter and fluff, peanut butter out of the jar. In fact, one attested she could eat solely peanut butter for her diet.. and lose weight. I don't recommend that, but actually, despite it's high caloric number, peanut butter is a great combination of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fat.

I had two mini snacks during the day too: an ounce of almonds and some pieces of Pita bread from an Indian restaurant.

Sometime late in the afternoon, Susie called and said we were going out to dinner. I have a love/hate relationship with restaurants. I love going out because it's easy, no work required, and usually pretty good food. I hate going out because restaurants are horrible about serving way too much of too fattening food. I'm not someone who can go out and order a salad every time either. In fact, even if I did want to order a salad, the best ones are all just as bad as any entree. So because of that, I order something I want, and try to stay semi healthy by ordering veggies instead of fries, or a side salad to come first. Usually, I do pretty well.

Something you should know about my parents is that in the 22 years I've been alive, I've never seen them order their own meal at a restaurant...never. Not once. They always split. No matter the food, breakfast or dinner, a salad or a sandwich, they're cutting it in half (or thereabouts) and splitting. This never affected me before because I'd order my own thing and scoff at the things they got. Reuben's, portabella sandwiches...gross. Not for me. Now, however, Reuben's and portabellas are two of my favorite sandwiches... so we do a three-way-split! It's absurd but works okay. So last night, we ordered the nachos as an appetizer (I had more than what's on my plate, it's true), a mushroom and Swiss burger, and a grilled chicken with brie sandwich. So, those aren't the remnants of my dinner... they are my thirds. Looks measly and pathetic but I bet in those two big bites, or six minis, you can pack a lot more calories than you'd guess. I had a couple more bites of my dad's part (his are always bigger) and a few fries. I don't really order fried food often, but these fries were gooood. They were crispy, not soggy, and well flavored. Overall, dinner (at Grevey's) was pretty satisfying.

And would ya look at that... no sweets. Day one, check.

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