Wednesday, October 7, 2009

So on Monday night I made an ambitious decision to wake up before my class and go for a run. If I wait all day, I get antsy and anxious in class...just itching to get to my workout. Are normal people like this, or am I just a weirdo? Probably the latter... but I guess you've accepted that by now if you're still reading. Luckily, it was gorgeous outside. It's that early fall temperature, where it's almost time to work out in long sleeves, but not quite. For some reason, I decided to ditch the iPod and just run solo, the outside and me. This was one of the best ideas I've had in a long time. I'm almost always a music person when I work out, but every once in a while it's nice to turn off and tune out, and just be with myself and my own thoughts. I like working out in the morning because it is still sort of quiet. Not everyone is in a hurry yet, and every once in a while, there aren't cars buzzing by and you can hear the wind blowing. The only unfortunate thing about running inside is the aches I start getting about 1 mile in. My knees are horrible. Well, my knees, ankles and most everything else is pretty lowly for a girl in her twenties. So as much as I love to hear the sound of my feet on pavement, it just hurts so bad. I'm starting to toy with the idea of swallowing my pride and getting old lady running shoes... you know the ones with the embarrassingly thick sole? I don't really care if I look ridiculous. Speaking of looking ridiculous, am I the only person who still goes to the gym in a t-shirt and shorts? My hair is piled in a messy ponytail and the only makeup I have on is whatever didn't rinse off the night before. I swear, the gym has completely turned sexy. Well... let me clarify. I go to a "rec center" so the crowd there is older.. think tube socks and head bands old... canes and black reeboks old. But, when I see (mostly girls) running outside or at the gym, I think to myself in the time it took them to get ready, they could have had double the workout. Power to you, I guess. But now I just feel like a slob. No matter. That was a big sidenote... back to my run. Without my music the time flew. I usually know when I've ran for 24 minutes (that's about Eve 6 -Anytime) or when I'm running slower than usual (that's when my playlist reaches The Rocket Summer). Without the constant reminder of time, I wasn't obsessed with running faster to get done quicker. It was refresing.

Strangely enough, and I don't usually do this, I ate breakfast after my run. I always eat breakfast, and the only thing I do first in the morning is pee. After that, it's tunnel vision to my cereal, eggs, or whatever it is I choose to have. So I got home and was really excited to have my breakfast still in my future. It was, again, my go-to. Fiber One Honey Clusters, 1% milk and strawberries.

I was super super excited because I had decided it was definitely a day for pumpkin coffee. I see this of a bit of an indulgence because I know Dunkin Donuts pours the sugar into this one... but I usually order my coffee black, and add my own cream and sugar... well, splenda in my case. It barely needed any splenda because it was already sweet and I only used one creamer. Ladies and gentlemen, heaven in a cup. This made my morning. Isn't that sad? Simple pleasures. Ask Ash... she and I have many simple pleasures. Mine including soft tee shirts, socks, little silverware and candles. Off topic again... wow. ADD I think.

So after my coffee was over, I was only in a mild state of depression. For lunch I packed leftover blackbean and corn salad and wrapped it into a high-fiber tortilla. So good but a little messy. Especially with the sour cream. It fell on me... and of course right by my zipper on my pants, so it looked like I had an accident. Maybe that's why I eat lunch alone...? I also had a peach and by then, I was running late for class so I didn't finish the rest of my lunch. I packed a mixture of popcorn, m&m's and almonds. I'm on such an almonds kick right now, it's unreal. I munched the whole 3 hours of lab... really good idea. I didn't listen to anything, whoops. Food=king in my life. It's my first priority--haha.

I come home expecting a delicious spaghetti dinner (as promised) and find that Susie doesn't want to cook.I didn't want to make spaghetti though, even though we had all the ingredients, because I figured we would make it the next night, so I improvised. I made a really good creamy sauce of 1/2 can of cream of mushroom soup, 1/2 cup of milk and 1/4 cup of parmesan cheese. I was pretty impressed if I do say so myself. I simmered it and then added it to cooked rigatoni and broccoli...umm hello delicious. I threw together a salad and all together it was a pretty good meal considering I had not much to work with.

I rounded things out with some pudding... and some dark chocolate m&m's.... yum... okay and I'm actually eating them as I type. The more stressed I feel, the more I want sweets, so I'm going to blame it on that... Until next time, ciao bellas

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