Friday, October 2, 2009

Fridays are bliss

Is it really 10:31 on a Friday night? And I'm in? My 19 year old self would probably kick my ass and call me a loser but I happen to love relaxing with a book/magazine/crossword/the food network. It's so strange because prior to 21 you could have called me a bit of a wild child. I was a social butterfly and every night was an opportunity to have fun. Now, I enjoy my quiet time, and I would choose a coffee over a beer 9 times out of ten... okay, maybe 7 times.

As far as "wellness" goes however, being a homebody has its perks. With my food, I am in control in my kitchen throwing around spices, slicing and dicing my vegetables, and watching things boil over, burn, and smoke rise into the fan. That being said, I can also control just how much of what is going into my dishes. Everyone knows that going out to eat isn't as healthy, but that doesn't mean that when you stay in you should just have baked chicken and string beans. Trust me, I went through a phase where I thought it would be cool to eat very very little and not only was I miserable, but a slice of cheese would have been a luxury to eat--no way to go through life. That stage is certainly over now, and I couldn't be happier with the way I am balancing everything.

Breakfast was simple and we were out of strawberries so I had a giant bowl of fiber one honey clusters. Then I went for my massive run... yeah that's probably half the reason I am in bed right now...I had a lovely coffee date but it would have been silly to take a picture of a cardboard cup so I decided not to. By the time I got home it was 4 and I was ravenous. I decided to make a light lunch because I knew dinner would be sooner rather than later. I used the good old george foreman to make half a turkey and swiss panini on rye. I also chopped up an apple with cinnamon and honey. I wish I could have baked it but I have never done that before and wasn't planning on waiting that long. I scarfed it down real fast and then I got a stomach ache. Very typical. My eyes are always bigger than my stomach. It's a curse. But that's okay... I guess I might as well milk the metabolism before it drifts away much more. Isn't it just horrible how badly you used to be able to eat and there wasn't an ounce to show of it? If I had done this blog as a freshman in college the choices would have been a lot different. It took me a long time that an "all you can eat" buffet wasn't mandatory. Two giant cookies slopped with this twisted flavor fro-yo. Hog (literally) heaven. Indulgence is great but I try try try to save it for things that are really worth it. It's hard though. Sometimes you just wanna let loose of willpower.

For dinner, I was left to my own devices and was completely happy reheating tortellini from earlier in the week. It was six cheese with roasted cauliflower and sauteed zucchini. I added vodka sauce and melted parmesan and it tasted as good as a restaurants but it is a lot healthier. I also had the remaining delicata squash but I forgot the picture. I also had a slice of french bread with melted smart balance and shredded cheese. That was delightful. Can you tell I was craving carbs? After this I was I thought I wouldn't have room for dessert. I am confident in this until my parents bring home cake and ice cream. This is my absolute weakness...I never, ever turn down cake and ice cream. I didn't even like the cake but I couldn't say no! Well, it was worth it, and I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I've learned beating yourself up about things like that is both a waste of time and stressful. If you eat too much one day, work out a little harder the next. Balance. Get used to it, because I'll be writing it a lot. PS: try dating a boy who wants to gain weight. It certainly is envious what he can eat (just watched him eat ben and jerry's phish food out of the carton).

Til next time...

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