Monday, October 5, 2009


Sunday was created for rest right? Yeah, that's a load of crap.. I didn't rest all day! I took the whole weekend off from working out which was loveeeely and wonderful and sometimes I wonder how I played division 1 soccer because doing nothing is fantastic.

I woke up early because a certain someone I know managed to send himself to the hospital on Saturday and I was restless all night. So at 8 a.m. I was the only one up in my family. That's rare. For those of you who know Dick and Sue, they're always up... doing God knows what. But for breakfast I had my standard fiber one... this time with sliced peaches and milk. Soon after I needed coffee because if you can believe it, I had NONE Saturday. That's impressive. I think Ash can probably attest that my coffee addiction may be unhealthy, yet I'm still in denial, so it's all good. All I want is pumpkin spice coffee from dunkin... okay I'm getting off topic....

Lunch was actually more of a production because I actually had time to make something. I took a sandwich thin and put marinara and oregano on both sides. Because I have a lovely sister who knows me well enough to get me cooking appliances for my b-day (george foreman annnnd a toaster oven!) I didn't have to use the regular stove. Mmm... it was so good and I was craving pizza so it was an okay substitute. Actually, a pizza bagel would have been the best. I used to eat those all the time. Anyway, I cut up an apple, too and then, sadly, my lunch was done.

I was dancing around my room cleaning most of the day and after my inspiration to look like Shakira subsided when I listened to "she wolf," of course I got hungry and I never go more than 3 hours with out eating... like, ever. I'm pretty in love with this Trader Joe's trail mix. It has chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, white chocolate chips, cashews, peanuts, almonds, and craisins. I highly recommend it.

So of course, since I made pizza for lunch, Susie and Dick wanted it for dinner. I didn't complain. It was that or Chinese and since I teach a 6 am fitness class Monday, I didn't want General Tso's chicken popping up anywhere. We went to Milano's Family restaurant.

It's Greek/Italian so we got this really good Greek app with feta, pitas, olives (ew), cucumbers, tomato, yogurt dressing, and stuffed grape leaves. I also had a salad which was pretty blah... but it's all good.. I was saving for my favvvvorite pizza. Pineappleeeee. So good. Don't try to tell me it's not. I would like to tell you there were leftovers but in this family, we're all pickers. Even a measly piece of pizza will be picked off. I like the crust, my mom likes to nibble on the edges, and my dad likes the toppings. Between the three of us, it's an embarrassing leftover bite or two.

I'd like to tell you I was full from dinner but mysweet tooth kicked in again. No willpower yesterday. Today... a little better but I'll get to that next time. It's time to actually do work... ohh community college <3

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